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About Us

Who We Are

Center for Peace and Holistic Healing Services, LLC

Specializing in the treatment of Stress, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety and Sleep.

"We are a holistic mental health practice, catering to a diverse range of individuals, couples, and families who are seeking holistic approaches to improve their mental health and overall well-being."

Does this sound like you?

  1. You second guess yourself and over analyze things.
  2. You have low energy often and difficulty falling asleep.
  3. You are a people pleaser who avoids conflicts.
  4. You have a history of staying in bad relationships and have a hard time setting boundaries.
  5. You often feel overwhelmed.

Why did I create the Center for Peace and Holistic Healing?

" I wanted to create a place where people could come and experience peace and get in touch with their inner joy."